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中国GB 4806-2016 《食品接触材料安全测试》
时间:2024-03-01 11:33:23 作者:遇见检测 浏览:329

CU TESTING遇见检测检测专业提供国标GB 4806-2016 食品接触材料和产品检测,满足食品接触产品和材料在国内市场销售要求,同时合格的 GB 4806-2016 食品级检测报告可获取更多客户信赖,快速占领市场。 GB 4806-2016检测针对不同材质有不同检测项目要求,主要的如下:


Material (材料)

Test Item测试项目


ABS 成型品   GB17326-1998

sensory test(外观)

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Evaporation residue in distilled water 蒸馏水中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 20% ethanol 20%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

Acrylonitrile monomer丙烯氰单体


AS 成型品 GB   17327-1998

sensory test (外观)

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Evaporation residue in distilled water蒸馏水中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 20% ethanol 20%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

Acrylonitrile monomer丙烯氰单体


Laminate 复合食品包装袋   GB 9683 -1988(用于60度以 上的包装袋无能力,需注明使 用条件小于60度还是大于60 度).

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Diaminomethylbezene 二甲基苯胺(4%乙酸或水浸泡)

Evaporation residue 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 65% ethanol 65%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

sensory test (外观+marinate)外观+浸泡液


PE/OP 成型品 GB   9687-1988

sensory test (外观)  

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Evaporation residue 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 65%ethanol 65%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

Colour migration test in ethanol 乙醇中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in oil油中颜色迁移


PE聚乙烯树脂   GB9691-1988

sensory test 感官测试(外观)



Hexane extractives 正己烷提取物


PET成型品 GB   13113-1991

sensory test (外观+marinate)   外观+浸泡液

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Evaporation residue in 65% ethanol 65%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in distilled water 蒸馏水中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

Antimony (Sb) in extractive 萃取锑

Colour migration test in ethanol 乙醇中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in oil 油中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in marinate 浸泡液颜色迁移


PET树脂原料 GB   13114-1991

Sensory test(外观)

Pb(elution) 萃取铅


water extracitve水萃取

65% ethanol extractive 65%乙醇中回流提取

4% acetic acid extracitve4 %乙酸中回流提取

hexane extracitve 正己烷中回流提取


食品容器及包装材料用聚碳酸 酯树脂 (GB 13116-1991)

sensory test (外观+浸泡液)

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Extraction in water 水萃取

Extraction in 20%ethanol 20%乙醇萃取

Extraction in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸萃取

Extraction in n-hexane 正己烷萃取

Phenol(elution) 酚(溶出)


食品容器及包装材料用不饱和 聚酯树脂及其玻璃钢制品 (GB 13115-1991)

sensory test (外观+浸泡液)

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 65% ethanol 65%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

乙苯类化合物(以苯乙烯计)GB/T 5009.98-2003


PP成型品 (GB   9688-1988)

Sensory test(外观)

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

Colour migration test in ethanol 乙醇中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in oil 油中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in marinate 浸泡液颜色迁移


PP树脂原料   GB9693-1988

sensory test (外观)

hextane extracitve 正己烷中回流提取


PC 成型品 (GB14942-1994)

sensory test (外观+浸泡液)

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Evaporation residue in water 水中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 20%ethanol 20%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣


Colour migration test in oil 油中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in ethanol 乙醇中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in marinate 浸泡液颜色迁移


PVC成品 (GB   9681-88)

sensory test (外观)

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Evaporation residue in 20%ethanol 20%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

Colour migration test in oil 油中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in marinate 浸泡液颜色迁移

Vinyl Chloride Monomer 氯乙烯单体


PVC 垫片及粒料   (GB14944-1994)

sensory test (外观+浸泡液)

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead(粒料不需测)

Evaporation residue in water 水中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 20%ethanol 20%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣(粒料残渣只测此项)

Evaporation residue in 65% ethanol 65%乙醇中回流提取(只针对高浓度乙醇)


Melamine密胺成型品 (GB   9690-2009)

sensory tet(外观)

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Evaporation residue in water 水中蒸发残渣

Formaldehyde( elution)萃取甲醛

Melamine(elution) 萃取密胺

Colour migration test in 65% ethanol 65%乙醇中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in oil 油中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in marinate 浸泡液颜色迁移


PS聚苯乙烯成品 (GB   9689-1988)

sensory tet(外观)

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 65% ethanol 65%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Colour migration test in ethanol 乙醇中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in oil 油中颜色迁移


PS聚苯乙烯树脂 (GB   9692-88)

Styrene and ethylbenzene content 苯乙烯和乙苯含量

sensory test Extraction in n-hexane 正己烷提取物




Nylon尼龙成型品   (GB16332-1996)

sensory tet(外观)

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Evaporation residue in distilled water 蒸馏水中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 20% ethanol 20%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

Colour migration test in ethanol 乙醇中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in oil 油中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in marinate 浸泡液颜色迁移

caprolactam(elution)(only for Nylon 6) 己内酰胺GB5009.125 HPLC


Nylon 6树脂   GB16331-1996

sensory test 外观

caprolactam(elution) 己内酰胺


食品容器、包装材料用聚氯乙 烯树脂卫生标准 GB 4803-2016

sensory test 感官(外观)测试




食品容器、包装材料用偏氯乙 烯-聚氯乙烯共聚树脂卫生标准 GB 15204-1994

sensory test 外观测试


rubber橡胶成品 GB4806.1-2016)(如客户申   请,硅橡胶也可参考此标准)

Sensory test (外观+浸泡液)

Evaporation residue in distilled water 蒸馏水中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 65% ethanol 65%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Zn(elution) 萃取锌


rubber nipple(橡胶奶嘴) GB 4806.2-2016

Evaporation residue in distilled water 蒸馏水中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Zn(elution) 萃取锌

Sensory test (外观+浸泡液)

Sensory test (外观


stainless 不锈钢食具容器 (GB 9684-2011)(需确认 是否是马氏体)

Sensory test (外观)  

Migration of Pb, Cd, Cr, As, Ni in 4%   acetic acid 4%乙酸中铅、镉、铬、砷、镍 迁移(非马氏体)

Migration of Pb, Cd, As, Ni in 4% acetic   acid 4%乙酸中铅、镉、砷、镍迁移(马 氏体)


Aluminum 铝制品 GB   11333-1989

Migration of Pb, Cd, Zn, As in 4% acetic   acid 4%乙酸中铅、镉、锌、砷迁移

Sensory test (外观+浸泡液)


纸和纸板材料 及制品标准 GB 4806.8-2022

sensory test (外观)


植物纤维素类食品容器 (GB 19305-2003)

Sensory test (外观+浸泡液))

Evaporation residue (in distilled   water,4% acetic acid, 20% ethanol, n-hexane) 蒸发残渣(蒸馏水,4%乙酸,20%乙醇,正己烷

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Colour migration test (in ethanol, oil   and marinate)颜色迁移(乙醇,油和浸泡 液中)

fluorescent matter (254nm and 365nm) 荧光物质

coliform group (大肠菌群)


Pathogenic bacterial(致病菌): ----沙门氏菌 ----志贺氏菌 ----金黄色葡萄球菌 ----溶血性链球菌


QB/T 4012-2010 淀粉基塑料 5.3

Evaporation residue in water 水中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 65% ethanol 65%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

soluble heavy metal (Pb, As) 重金属(铅、砷)

Colour migration test in oil 油中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in ethanol 乙醇中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in marinate 浸泡液颜色迁移


食品罐头内壁环氧酚醛涂料卫 生标准 GB 4805-2016

sensory test 外观测试

Phenol(elution) 酚(溶出)

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Evaporation residue in distilled water 水中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 20% ethanol 20%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%醋酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

Formaldehyde(elution) 甲醛(溶出)


食品容器过氯乙烯内壁涂料卫 生标准 GB 7105-1986

sensory test 外观测试


GB9680-1988 食品容器漆酚涂料卫生标准

sensory test (外观+浸泡液)

Evaporation residue in water 水中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 65% ethanol 65%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

extractable Phenol in water水中苯酚萃取

extractable formaldehyde in 4% acetic   acid 4%乙酸中甲醛(溶出)


GB 9682-1988 食品罐头内壁脱模涂料 卫生标准

Sensory test外观测试(外观+浸泡液)

Evaporation residue in distilled water 蒸馏水中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 20% ethanol 20%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%醋酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Phenol in water (elution) 水中苯酚萃取

Formaldehyde in water (elution) 水中甲醛萃取


食品容器内壁聚酰胺环氧树脂 涂料卫生标准(如果是液体样 品,需制成膜送来测试) GB 9686-2012

sensory test 外观测试(外观+浸泡液)

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%醋酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 65% ethanol 65%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)


食品容器有机硅防粘涂料 (GB 11676-2012)

sensory test (外观+浸泡液)

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in water 水中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣


水基改性环氧易拉罐内壁涂料 卫生标准 GB 11677-201

sensory test 外观测试

Phenol(elution) 酚(溶出)

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Evaporation residue in distilled water 水中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 20% ethanol 20%乙醇中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%醋酸中蒸发残渣

Heavy metal as lead 重金属(以铅计)

Formaldehyde(elution) 甲醛(溶出)


食品容器内壁聚四氟乙烯涂料 (GB 11678-1989)

Sensory test (外观+浸泡液)

Evaporation residue in distilled water 蒸馏水中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Cr(elution) 萃取铬



竹木材料及制 品食品级 GB 4806.12-2022

Sensory test (外观+浸泡液)

PCP content 五氯苯酚含量

Migration of PCP and TCP in water 水中五氯苯酚和三氯苯酚迁移

Migration of PCP and TCP in 3% acetic   acid 3%乙酸中五氯苯酚和三氯苯酚迁移

Migration of PCP and TCP in 10%ethanol   10%乙醇中五氯苯酚和三氯苯酚迁移

Migration of PCP and TCP in 95% ethanol   95%乙醇中五氯苯酚和三氯苯酚迁移


GB/T 23778 酒类及其他食品 包装用软木塞

Sensory test(外观+气味)

Residual oxidant(氧化剂残留量)


GB 27590-2011 纸杯 (进单请注明是淋膜纸杯还是 涂蜡纸杯)

Pb 铅 As 砷

fluorescent matter (254nm and 365nm) 荧光物质

Colour migration test in water 水中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in hexane己烷中颜色迁移

coliform group (大肠菌群) Pathogenic bacterial(致病菌) ----沙门氏菌 ----志贺氏菌 ----金黄色葡萄球菌----溶血性链球菌

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量(涂蜡纸杯不需测试)

Evaporation residue 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣(涂蜡纸杯不需测试)

Evaporation residue n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣(涂蜡纸杯不需测试)


GB27591-2011 纸碗   GB 27589-2011 纸餐盒

Pb 铅 As 砷

fluorescent matter (254nm and 365nm) 荧光物质

coliform group (大肠菌群)

Pathogenic bacterial(致病菌) ----沙门氏菌 ----志贺氏菌 ----金黄色葡萄球菌 ----溶血性链球菌

Potassium permanganate consumption 高锰酸钾消耗量

Evaporation residue in 4% acetic acid 4%乙酸中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in n-hexane 己烷中蒸发残渣

Evaporation residue in 65% ethanol 65%中乙醇蒸发残渣

Colour migration test in ethanol 乙醇中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in oil 油中颜色迁移

Colour migration test in marinate 浸泡液颜色迁移


GB/T 23296.15-2009 三聚氰 胺的迁移

specific migration of melamine in   simulant 模拟液中三聚氰胺的迁移


GB/T 23296.16-2009 模拟液 中双酚A的测试

specific migration of BPA in simulant模拟液中BPA的迁移


SN/T 2037 与食品接触的塑料成型品中邻 苯二甲酸酯类增塑剂迁移量的   测定

specific migration of phthalates( DEP,   DIBP, DNBP, DNPP,BBP, DEHP, DNOP)(water, 3% acetic acid, 15% ethanol,   isooctane) 邻苯特殊迁移

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